Gospodarenje životinjskim vrstama
Obavezna literatura:
1. Degraaf, R. M., Miller, R. I.,1996: Conservation of Faunal Diversity in Forested Landscapes. Chapman and Hall, London, 648 p.
2. Bolton, M., 1997: Conservation and the use of wildlife resources. Chapman & Hall; London; 278 pp
3. Scalet, C. G., Flake, L. D., Willis, D. W., 1996: Introduction to Wildlife and Fisheries: An Integrated Approach; W. H. Freman and Company; New York; 512 pp.
4. Sutherland, W.J., 2006: Ecological Census Techniques – a handbook, second edition. Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge, 432 pp.
Preporučena literatura:
5. Williams, B. K. , Nichols, J. D., Conroy, M. J., 2001: Analysis and Management of Animal Poputation - modeling, estimating and decision making. Academic Press. 817 p.
6. Wagenknecht E., 1971: Bewirtschaftung unserer Schalenwildbestände. VEB Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag, Berlin 386 pp
7. Schwartz, M. w., 1997: Conservation in higly fragmentet landscapes; Chapman & Hall: New York; 436 pp.
8. Garms, H., Borm, L.., 1981: Fauna Europe; Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana, 550 pp.

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Email: kkrapinec@sumfak.unizg.hrviše

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Email: mgrubesic@sumfak.unizg.hrviše

Redoviti profesor u trajnom izboru
Email: kkrapinec@sumfak.unizg.hrviše